DMXzone DropZone Add-on Support Product Page


Javascript error when inserting DropZone

Reported 19 Nov 2015 22:50:24
has this problem
19 Nov 2015 22:50:24 Brad Lawryk posted:
After I click to insert a drop zone I get the following error pop up and the UI does not fully load.

While executing onLoad in dmxDropzone.htm, the following JavaScript error(s) occurred:

At line 166 of file "Macintosh HD:Users:bradlawryk:Library:Application Support:Adobereamweaver CC 2015:en_US:Configuration:Commands:dmxDropzone.js":
dwscripts.findDOMObject("tab2Table" has no properties


Replied 20 Nov 2015 10:18:40
20 Nov 2015 10:18:40 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Brad,
Please reinstall the extension, there was a small last minute bug. It should be fine now.

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