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Asked 12 Feb 2023 18:11:19
have this question
12 Feb 2023 18:11:19 User  posted:
Good afternoon all dear friends, suggest shampoos that can save my hair and make it softer.


Replied 16 Apr 2024 11:28:51
16 Apr 2024 11:28:51 User  replied:
"Gidropartner" - design, construction and repair of swimming pools.

The main activities of the Hydropartner Group of Companies:
construction and reconstruction of swimming pools of varying degrees of complexity;
supply and installation of equipment for swimming pools;
supply and installation of composite swimming pools;
production and installation of polypropylene swimming pools;
swimming pool maintenance;
supply of chemicals for swimming pools;
supply of equipment for saunas;
supply of hammam equipment;
supply of equipment for baths;
supply of equipment for fountains and ponds;
supply of dosing equipment for industrial production and housing and communal services.
Replied 17 Apr 2024 22:01:54
17 Apr 2024 22:01:54 User  replied:
For every woman, the news that she will soon become a mother becomes the brightest and most significant moment in life. But from now on, women should pay special attention to their diet, proper lifestyle and clothing. If during the first trimester you can easily wear your usual things, then already in the 4th month you will need to completely update your wardrobe. At your service is the MamaMarket chain of stores and an online store of clothing for pregnant women, specialized underwear for pregnant and nursing mothers, special cosmetics, clothing for feeding, clothing for sleep and rest. In a word, everything that an expectant and nursing mother needs.


Replied 18 Apr 2024 13:59:49
18 Apr 2024 13:59:49 User  replied:

Банк “Бланк” — первый лайфтех-банк для бизнеса

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Обмен валюты
Replied 20 Apr 2024 17:06:52
20 Apr 2024 17:06:52 User  replied:
Using a high-quality shampoo can make a significant difference in the health and appearance of your hair.
Replied 24 Apr 2024 22:30:06
24 Apr 2024 22:30:06 Ace Ventura replied:
Optimisez vos résultats sportifs grâce à des compléments de qualité supérieure chez OGear.

Chers athlètes, si vous visez l'excellence dans votre pratique sportive, la qualité des compléments alimentaires que vous utilisez est primordiale. C'est pourquoi je vous présente OGear - votre destination incontournable pour des compléments sportifs haut de gamme !

Sur oGear.shop/fr, vous trouverez une vaste sélection de produits spécialement conçus pour maximiser vos performances athlétiques. Que vous cherchiez à augmenter votre force, à améliorer votre endurance ou à accélérer votre récupération, OGear a tout ce qu'il vous faut.

Et le meilleur dans tout ça ? OGear propose une gamme complète d'anabolisants et d'autres produits destinés à accroître la force pour les athlètes de tous niveaux. Vous pouvez être assuré(e) de ne trouver ici que des produits de la plus haute qualité, répondant aux normes de sécurité les plus strictes.

Rendez-vous dès maintenant sur o ogear.shop/fr/ et découvrez comment atteindre vos objectifs sportifs. Investissez dans vos performances avec OGear!
Replied 30 Apr 2024 08:33:59
30 Apr 2024 08:33:59 User  replied:
Sheet Formation: The Dance of Precision

The tobacco paste is deftly spread onto a conveyor belt or cast into molds, fashioning delicate sheets. This process guarantees uniform thickness and size, the hallmark of HTS.
Drying and Curing: The Art of Transformation

The moist sheets are subjected to a meticulously controlled drying process. Typically, they are exposed to heated air in a controlled environment. This removes moisture, leaving them with a supple and leathery texture.

Subsequently, the sheets undergo a curing process, involving heat treatment, sunlight exposure, or other methods tailored to meet specific product requirements.
Replied 30 Apr 2024 11:16:37
30 Apr 2024 11:16:37 User  replied:
Skydiving is a sport that captivates the adventurous spirit in all of us. The sensation of plummeting through the sky, feeling the rush of wind against your face, and experiencing the unparalleled freedom of flight is an experience unlike any other. For many thrill-seekers, the duration of the freefall is a crucial aspect of their skydiving adventure. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into everything you need to know about skydiving duration, from understanding freefall time to factors that influence it, and tips for maximizing your skydiving experience. https://dreamworkandtravel.com/sky-diving/the-thrill-of-freefall-a-guide-to-skydiving-duration/

Understanding Freefall Time:

Freefall time refers to the duration during which a skydiver is in descent without the aid of a deployed parachute. It is the heart-pounding moment when you are hurtling towards the earth at terminal velocity, experiencing the ultimate adrenaline rush. The average freefall time for a tandem skydive, where you jump attached to an experienced instructor, is typically around 60 seconds. For experienced solo skydivers, freefall time can vary depending on factors such as exit altitude, body position, and equipment.
Replied 07 May 2024 20:57:12
07 May 2024 20:57:12 JeetBuzz Buzz replied:
What shampoo will help restore hair after coloring? Yesterday I went to a football game and dyed my hair in the colors of my favorite team. Speaking of football, if you're a fan of this game like me, try jeetbuzz.org. It makes watching games even more interesting. Plus, JeetBuzz has welcome bonuses for newcomers. You should try)))
Replied 12 May 2024 05:43:18
12 May 2024 05:43:18 Евгений Ляпкин replied:
The dynamism of the forex market persists, evolving in tandem with technological advancements and shifts in global economic landscapes. This chapter scrutinizes emergent trends in forex trading, including algorithmic trading, artificial intelligence, and the assimilation of blockchain technology.
Discerning a reliable and reputable currency trading broker assumes paramount significance for success in the forex market. This chapter furnishes guidance on broker evaluation, comprehension of fee structures, and the imperative of regulatory compliance.

As we culminate this exhaustive guide to currency trading, the multifaceted nature of forex trading becomes apparent. It necessitates a fusion of knowledge, skills, and strategic decision-making. Whether one is a novice navigating the initial steps or a seasoned trader aspiring to augment capabilities, the realm of currency trading unfolds a plethora of opportunities for those committed to investing time and effort. By assimilating the basics, mastering leverage utilization, and remaining attuned to market trends, individuals can embark on a gratifying expedition in the ever-evolving landscape of forex trading.
Replied 14 May 2024 03:49:49
14 May 2024 03:49:49 William Smith replied:
Enter the Exotic Realm of Lucky Tiger
Welcome to Lucky Tiger Casino, where Australian players discover a gaming paradise cloaked in mystery and draped in an exotic jungle motif. Here, each session is more than just gameplay; it's a journey into a lush, vibrant world that promises excitement and surprises at every turn.

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Navigating https://lucky-tiger-casino.org is like exploring a well-mapped jungle. The vibrant, themed interface isn’t just visually appealing—it’s also meticulously organized, ensuring that everything from game selection to account management is user-friendly and intuitive. This ease of use enhances your gaming experience, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the entertainment without any distractions.

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Lucky Tiger’s customer support team is a dedicated group, ever-ready to assist players with any inquiries or challenges they might encounter. Reachable around the clock via live chat, email, or phone, this support squad ensures that your gaming experience is smooth and enjoyable, leaving no question unanswered and no issue unresolved.

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Also check https://nationalpost.com/full-comment/adrian-macnair-b-c-government-milks-problem-gamblers/wcm/8fd20f65-516c-4fa1-9934-0af8343effdc/amp/
Replied 16 May 2024 23:31:32
16 May 2024 23:31:32 bbeautyexc baeu replied:
Ich habe immer nach Produkten gesucht, die meine Haare nicht nur pflegen, sondern auch schützen. Dabei habe ich die japanische Haarpflege für mich entdeckt, die ich nun nicht mehr missen möchte. Auf meiner Suche bin ich auf https://exc-beauty.com/de/ gestoßen, wo ich eine Vielfalt an hochwertigen Haarpflegeprodukten gefunden habe.

Als erstes habe ich gelernt, meinen Haartyp zu identifizieren, was essentiell ist, um die richtigen Produkte zu wählen. Die japanischen Haarpflegeprodukte, die ich verwende, sind reich an natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen wie Tsubaki-Öl und Reiswasser, die mein Haar nähren und ihm einen gesunden Glanz verleihen.

Ich achte besonders darauf, Produkte mit feuchtigkeitsspendenden Inhaltsstoffen zu wählen, da mein Haar dazu neigt, trocken zu sein. Produkte mit Hyaluronsäure und Kollagen sind meine Favoriten, da sie intensiv hydratisieren.

Um mein Haar vor Umweltschäden zu schützen, bevorzuge ich Produkte, die Schutz vor UV-Strahlung bieten. Das ist besonders wichtig, da ich viel Zeit im Freien verbringe. Zudem integriere ich spezielle Behandlungen wie Masken und Leave-in-Conditioner in meine Pflegeroutine, um spezifische Probleme wie Haarbruch zu bekämpfen.

Durch die regelmäßige Verwendung dieser japanischen Pflegeprodukte hat sich die Gesundheit meiner Haare spürbar verbessert. Ich empfehle jedem, der Wert auf natürliche Inhaltsstoffe und innovative Pflege legt, einen Blick auf die Auswahl bei EXC-Beauty zu werfen.
Replied 17 May 2024 14:39:30
17 May 2024 14:39:30 FeelBe Cosmetics replied:
Good afternoon, dear friends! If you're looking for shampoos that can help save your hair and make it softer, I highly recommend checking out the selection at FeelBe. They offer a variety of natural and professional shampoos tailored to different hair types and needs. I've personally had great results with their products. Happy shopping!
Replied 17 May 2024 17:09:52
17 May 2024 17:09:52 vava sikys replied:
У мене зуби як у акули, тому мені потрібний дантист відповідної якості
Replied 28 May 2024 11:34:47
28 May 2024 11:34:47 Гена Зевакин replied:
SmartTube Next is an enhanced version of the video viewing client that offers significantly improved features and interface. This completely free application is designed for devices running the Android operating system. If you are looking for a more user-friendly interface with expanded functionality and absolutely no ads, then SmartTube Next is what you need. Try this small program, and you will definitely like it! https://smart-tube.info/

One of the main advantages of SmartTube Next is the ability to have complete control over your data. You can customize the application according to your preferences without losing its core functions. Additionally, SmartTube Next allows you to disable annoying ads, making it a convenient and multifunctional example of a high-quality application for Android.
Replied 28 May 2024 11:37:58
28 May 2024 11:37:58 Гена Зевакин replied:
Zidoo Z9X Pro
The Zidoo Z9X Pro is an advanced media player from a company that specializes in Hi-End devices. This state-of-the-art media player is designed to deliver a premium entertainment experience, featuring cutting-edge technology and high-end specifications to meet the needs of discerning users. Whether you're streaming the latest movies, enjoying high-fidelity audio, or navigating through various media formats, the Zidoo Z9X Pro promises to provide exceptional performance and quality. https://serfer.com.ua/zidoo-z9x-pro/
Replied 28 May 2024 11:39:18
28 May 2024 11:39:18 Гена Зевакин replied:
FypTT – What Is It?
FypTT is a compact mobile application designed specifically for Android smartphones and tablets. Its primary purpose is to provide users with the ability to watch short videos. The FypTT application can be easily installed on any Android smartphone and is also compatible with other Android devices. There's no need for registration, logins, or passwords; simply launch the application and enjoy an endless feed of short videos.

In the app, you can effortlessly scroll through the feed or choose to subscribe to creative authors you like. You can select who to watch if you have a preference for a certain genre. When comparing FypTT and Fikfap, you won't find much difference between them. Both applications are designed to offer entertainment through short videos, featuring slightly different interfaces but are otherwise very similar. Fikfap, however, is a more dynamically developing platform with more videos, more authors, and more entertainment options. If you wish, you can install both programs and choose the one that suits you best.
Replied 04 Jun 2024 12:22:00
04 Jun 2024 12:22:00 User  replied:
Enhance your website's visual appeal with CSS Image Gallery Support from Paybis. Elevate your online presence and captivate your audience with stunning visuals. Explore more at https://paybis.com/btt-to-usd/
Replied 07 Jun 2024 11:00:47
07 Jun 2024 11:00:47 User  replied:

Привлекательность и влияние табачного растения выходят далеко за рамки его известности как продукта для курения. Его богатая история, культурное значение, экономическое влияние и экологические соображения дают многогранное представление об этом универсальном растении. По мере продвижения вперед важно найти баланс между сохранением культурных традиций, устранением рисков для здоровья и внедрением инноваций. Будущее табака зависит от нашей способности ответственно подходить к этим сложным вопросам, обеспечивая гармоничное сосуществование табачной промышленности, здоровья населения и окружающей среды.

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