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What You Missed This Week

It's the Friday and before we head for the weekend, it's time for our weekly content summary, where you can see the highlights from the past five days. This week we improved one amazing Dreamweaver template, which has been created with a number of awesome DMXzone extensions. Among them you'll find HTML5 Slideshow 2 that we also put on sale until next Wednesday!

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Get Started with HTML5 Slideshow

Just like any other DMXzone gallery or slideshow, HTML5 Slideshow 2 is an extension, which is super easy to work with. Its user interface offers a number of customization options so you can adjust it to your website or app design. Create a responsive slideshow, or from a dynamic source, you can do it in minutes. All you need to do is follow our helpful video tutorials, which you'll find below.

Until next Wednesday, you can get HTML5 Slideshow 2 cheaper because it's on sale!

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One Ready to Go Design for You

Since we've been talking about design and appearance this week, we've decided to improve one of our most impressive Dreamweaver templates. Even though it's called Responsive Hotel Template you can use it for numerous other businesses if you need a clean, responsive design with great images preview and functional reservation form. It's free but make sure to have the required extensions installed in Dreamweaver first.

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Bring Beauty to Your Website or App

Last week we spoke about what's happening "behind closed doors" in a website but let's not forget that the appearance is also very important. In the next few days we'll focus on DMXzone extensions, which will make your site or app shine like a rock star. Our first pick is HTML5 Slideshow 2. This amazing photo gallery is built with jQuery, is CSS based and uses HTML5 W3C standard elements like canvas and CSS3 transitions, when available, for the highest animation quality. Make sure to check out the great showcases and see how you can enhance your image presentations.

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What You Missed This Week

This week we covered the most important topics when it comes to working with databases. From connecting to a database, through insert, update, delete records and applying security restrictions. All these actions are easily done with our most famous extensions' trio - DMXzone Database Connector, Database Updater and the updated Security Provider. Also, make sure to get the latest version of DMXzone Server Connect as it comes with added support for the latest Security Provider 1.9.0 with basic browser authentication.

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Apply Security Restrictions to Your Website

Once you connect to your database with DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP/ASP.NET and define your updating actions with DMXzone Database Updater PHP/ASP/ASP.NET it's time to secure them the best possible way. And to do that we use DMXzone Security Provider PHP/ASP/ASP.NET extension because you don't want certain users messing around on your website or app, do you?. Of course, you can give specific users all the power with the highest level of access so watch the video tutorials below to see how it's done!

The latest version of DMXzone Security Provider comes with browser authentication for easier login and automatic authentication, as well authentication from other online services like Zapier

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Define and Connect Your Database Update Action

Insert, delete and update records are three basic actions but fundamental when you're working with databases. And what better way to manage the data in your databases in a whole new way through Ajax technology? There's one Dreamweaver extension, which we're in love with and does all that and more - DMXzone Database Updater. It's available for PHP, ASP and ASP.NET so make sure to check out the tutorials below and see how it performs together with DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP/ASP.NET.

Until next Wednesday you can get both tools with discount as part of our weekly sale! 

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Check if a Record Exists in a Database Before Insert

If there's one thing that is the most searchable item on our website, than this is it! Validating input value against the database or checking if a record already exists in a database has always been a struggle but the solution is quite simple. You just need the DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP/ASP.NET, which we spoke about yesterday, and the powerful HTML5 Form Validator. These two awesome extension will do the job for you so make sure to check out the video tutorial.

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Connect to a Database in Dreamweaver - the Modern Way!

Almost three and a half years ago we introduced the most modern approach to connect to your database in Dreamweaver. After the old server behaviors were deprecated, we stepped in and developed DMXzone Database Connector. Today, it already supports the most popular PHP, ASP and ASP.NET server types and lets you connect easily, without a single line of code, thanks to its built-in connection wizard and visual database source query builder. In this article we'll show you that using this extension is really simple and there's nothing to fear.

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What You Missed This Week

This week we published our plan for the year and you can check it out in the Extensions Roadmap 2017. Also, we improved DMXzone Font Awesome and added 150+ new icons to it so make sure to install the latest version and access these new icons. Last but not least, watch the amazing video tutorial where we met DMXzone Server Connect with the Zapier service and see what happened.
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