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Site advice wanted

Posted 04 Jul 2002 06:05:24
has voted
04 Jul 2002 06:05:24 Richard Davies posted:
Hi all

I spent a lot of time on a site for a customer of mine. It is at We get quite a lot of traffic but I am not getting as many sales as I thought we would.

Could any one give me some (much needed) help on how to drive sales? I think that the list of links on the Left Hand Side of the page needs to be tidied up - but I can't think of a good way to do it. I had considered using a bulleted list but it is WAY too long and looks stupid.

Basically I would like any pointers/opinions that you may have.

Best regards



Replied 07 Jul 2002 20:19:07
07 Jul 2002 20:19:07 Erik-Jan Bulthuis replied:
Ok Richard, my first impression: what kind of site is this? Try to make a few cool graphics and try to gie the visitors the impression that they are some kind of railway station. If visitors feel well, they would assumably be more likely to buy something. At least, they would spent a few more minutes at your site.

Your site has too much text and in fact only one image...... A picture of some of the newest/best trains could make the site a bit more attractive.

Good luck <img src=../images/fwzone/forum/icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

Replied 24 Jul 2002 17:57:13
24 Jul 2002 17:57:13 richard thomas replied:
Hi Richard,
I think less on the front page, perhaps a 'bargain of the week' including images on the front page. I don't think you need to show everything on the front page and as text its overwealming. also in your query and serach results, especially when displaying images I think you should restrict the number of records returned on each page and provide record nav buttons. Hope it helps a bit.
Replied 25 Jul 2002 10:47:26
25 Jul 2002 10:47:26 Viktor Farcic replied:
There are few important issues you should correct:
1. What's your site about? . If it's not clear from the first sight, new visitors will move to the other site. Your tagline (Hattons Model Railways) isn't well connected with logo. It's expected that tagline is somewhere near logo. Text "Welcome to our Online Store..." doesn't explain this either.
2. Spice it a little with some graphic. Better present only few items on a home page but make it clear what they are (and nice at the same time).
3. You're assuming that everybody is familiar with terminology. What does "Select your Gauge N, OO, HO, O..." means?
4. Don't put links without some explanation and/or example. Instead of "Click here to view a list of all Manufacturers or Scales" better put a list of few Manufacturers/Scales and the text "Click here to view..." below it. Everything must be clear from the first sight.
5. Title in "Latest major releases" & "Top bargains" are bigger they they should be. Also, keep in mind that visitors are "scaning" not reading content. First word or two must be self explanatory (or at least intriguing). Take a look at: "R4168 Limited Edition "Silver Jubilee" 3 coach £39.50". Product code "R4168" doesn't mean much to many visitors. "Limited Edition" is of less importance then "Silver Jubilee". "3 coach" should better go in the details page. I can be much better (shorter, clearer and easier for "scaning" if it's like: "Silver Jubilee (Limited Edition) - £39.50". Title (link) should make visitor intersted. Details page is the one that provides them with all information.
6. Reduce the number of links in "Latest major releases" & "Top bargains". Maybe it would be better if you put one with image and some description at the top and below it few other items presented only with title.
7. What's the point of animated gif below "Competition"? Visitors will not connect it that easily with the text below, it's too fast and doesn't tell anything. It looks like banner and, in that case, should be self explanatory.

There are many other things and I only touched home page, but it is enought to start thinking.

Viktor Farcic
TalkZone Manager

Edited by - vfarcic on 25 Jul 2002 10:49:48

Edited by - vfarcic on 25 Jul 2002 15:34:25
Replied 03 Aug 2002 14:17:33
03 Aug 2002 14:17:33 Richard Davies replied:
I rebuilt and redesigned the site. Do you think its an improvement? Thanks for any views. I intend to introduce some product images this week sometime



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