DMXzone CSS3 Drop Shadows Manual Support

Add beautiful shadows to any page element

The DMXzone CSS3 Drop Shadows is built with CSS3 and takes full advantage of the new CSS3 properties to make great looking, image less, shadows. With the extension you create a container to which you can add different shadow effects on and fill it with other content elements like headings, text, tables, images and more.

You can choose from several types of shadows such as curved, perspective, curled, lifted and raised. Set the side for the shadows, rotation degree and add an inset shadow. Changing the background color and setting the width and height of the element is very easy. All this is greatly presented in the Dreamweaver design view.

- OR -


  • Add shadows to any page element - You can add awesome CSS3 shadows to any page element, including text, table, image and more...
  • Lifted shadows - This effect adds shadows on the edges to create a realistic feel that the element is lifted. You can choose different sides: left, right and both.
  • Curved shadows - This effect adds shadows on the edges to create a realistic feel that the element is curved. You can add it to the left, right, top, bottom, left and right, and also top and bottom to your element.
  • Perspective shadows - Perspective shadows can be placed on the left, right and both sides at the same time.
  • Raised shadows - Raised shadows can be placed on the left, right, top and bottom.
  • Curled shadows - Adds a curled effect to the sides of the element. Curled shadows can be places on the left, right and also on both sides at the same time.
  • Background Color - You can add any background color to your page element.

  • Set a rotation degree - Choose the rotation angle of your element.
  • Inset Shadow - Add inner shadow to your div.
  • Pick up ID name - You can change the name of the element to fit your needs.
  • Fully resizable -You can easily set the width and height for the div container.
  • Great Dreamweaver design preview - The edited region is greatly presented in Dreamweaver design view.
  • Full cross browser unobtrusive CSS3 support - The shadows are supported by any modern browser, including IE9 but won't be displayed where not supported.


Type: Suite
License: External link
Product: Dreamweaver CS3, Dreamweaver CS4, Dreamweaver CS5/CS5.5 and CS6, Dreamweaver CC+
Browser: Opera 10+, iPad, IE 9, Safari 5+, Firefox 4+, Chrome 10+, Opera 11
Used Technologies: jQuery, CSS
Tags: CSS3, shadows, Dreamweaver, extension. jQuery

The DMXzone CSS3 Drop Shadows runs on Dreamweaver 8 but we do not support it officially.


Version 1.0.1

  • Full Dreamweaver CC and Extension Manager CC support
  • Updated the automatic file copy and update component for better Dreamweaver CC support
  • Improved compatibility with the latest jQuery
  • Included latest jQuery 1.10.1
  • Improved Windows 8 compatibility

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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