Webby Awards More Accessible Sites

Webby’s ’07: The Good, the Better, and the Great

Linda reviewed some of the Webby Award winners in 2006 and found that they lacked substance in the accessibility area – even the ones that were chosen for superb functionality. One year later, Linda found that accessibility and usability is prevalent among some winners, a factor that may have been influenced by the Webby Awards’ new standards and Website. But, is this competition worth entering, even with this year’s improvements?

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Linda Goin

Linda GoinLinda Goin carries an A.A. in graphic design, a B.F.A. in visual communications with a minor in business and marketing and an M.A. in American History with a minor in the Reformation. While the latter degree doesn't seem to fit with the first two educational experiences, Linda used her 25-year design expertise on archaeological digs and in the study of material culture. Now she uses her education and experiences in social media experiments.

Accolades for her work include fifteen first-place Colorado Press Association awards, numerous fine art and graphic design awards, and interviews about content development with The Wall St. Journal, Chicago Tribune, Psychology Today, and L.A. Times.

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