Pure ASP Upload 2 Support Product Page

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Key is already associated with ....

Reported 09 Nov 2001 19:32:21
has this problem
09 Nov 2001 19:32:21 Dennis Fitzgerald posted:
(I accidentally put this on the version 1 forum, so I am reposting it here.)

I am getting the following message:

This key is already associated with an element of this collection
/ScriptLibrary/incPureUpload.asp, line 95

I had this running, but then I added a hidden variable and changed a menu to a multiple list box and started getting this error.

After writing the above, I changed the list box back to a menu and the error went away. I suspect this is a bug in your code.

I made the following mod to incPureUpload.asp at line 95:

if UploadRequest.Exists(name) then
UploadRequest(name).Item("Value" = UploadRequest(name).Item("Value" & "," & Value
UploadRequest.Add name, UploadControl
end if

This works for my situation, but might not if someone used the index method to access multiple instances of a form element.


Replied 09 Nov 2001 19:51:55
09 Nov 2001 19:51:55 George Petrov replied:
Thanks! Good fix indeed.

This happens when multiple fields/values with the same field name are used. This is the case in a multiple selection listbox for example.

I think your fix covers the cases good and will include it in the next update.


George Petrov - CTO, www.UDzone.com

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